The quality of our life is strongly correlated to the quality of our communication
Speed is very much a factor in the equation of quality.
Inbox zero is a way of measuring speed of communication.
Speed to lead is the #1 form of converting opportunities.
Lack of speed kills deals and opportunities.
Therefore one must figure out how to achieve inbox zero.
Now, I also agree that a person must not major on minor things and they must prioritize their own agenda, projects and goals and achieve “the one thing” that’s moved them forward everyday.
So this creates the challenge that must be solved for a high performer.
The answer - figure it out and manage your own email efficiently and effectively or hire a VA to help.
The answer is not “let you inbox pile up and don’t respond to people quickly”
The answer is “figure it out. Achieve inbox zero somehow. And respond quickly and effectively”
Because if you increase the speed and quality of your communication you will increase the quality and results in your life
Nice Grant! Thank you for this reflection. I think it's somewhere in the middle - figure out what's most important to your success and then execute on that well. And for some, that could be getting to inbox zero.
I’ll be that guy to disagree here lol
Here’s why
The quality of our life is strongly correlated to the quality of our communication
Speed is very much a factor in the equation of quality.
Inbox zero is a way of measuring speed of communication.
Speed to lead is the #1 form of converting opportunities.
Lack of speed kills deals and opportunities.
Therefore one must figure out how to achieve inbox zero.
Now, I also agree that a person must not major on minor things and they must prioritize their own agenda, projects and goals and achieve “the one thing” that’s moved them forward everyday.
So this creates the challenge that must be solved for a high performer.
The answer - figure it out and manage your own email efficiently and effectively or hire a VA to help.
The answer is not “let you inbox pile up and don’t respond to people quickly”
The answer is “figure it out. Achieve inbox zero somehow. And respond quickly and effectively”
Because if you increase the speed and quality of your communication you will increase the quality and results in your life
There, I said it 😉
Nice Grant! Thank you for this reflection. I think it's somewhere in the middle - figure out what's most important to your success and then execute on that well. And for some, that could be getting to inbox zero.